38 research outputs found

    Non-Iterative, Feature-Preserving Mesh Smoothing

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    With the increasing use of geometry scanners to create 3D models, there is a rising need for fast and robust mesh smoothing to remove inevitable noise in the measurements. While most previous work has favored diffusion-based iterative techniques for feature-preserving smoothing, we propose a radically different approach, based on robust statistics and local first-order predictors of the surface. The robustness of our local estimates allows us to derive a non-iterative feature-preserving filtering technique applicable to arbitrary "triangle soups". We demonstrate its simplicity of implementation and its efficiency, which make it an excellent solution for smoothing large, noisy, and non-manifold meshes.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Piecewise Rational Manifold Surfaces with Sharp Features

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    We present a construction of a piecewise rational free-form surface of arbitrary topological genus which may contain sharp features: creases, corners or cusps. The surface is automatically generated from a given closed triangular mesh. Some of the edges are tagged as sharp ones, defining the features on the surface. The surface is C s smooth, for an arbitrary value of s, except for the sharp features defined by the user. Our method is based on the manifold construction and follows the blending approach


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    Basis of market of national consumption is presently formed by non-redundant products. Reliability of these devices is wholly determined by the level of failure-free operation of their constituents. With the industrial products of the non-domestic use redundancy both in the repaired and non-repaired equipment is used on different levels: redundancy at the level of components, blocks and units on the whole, and also at the level of elements (deep fractional redundancy).To make a forecast on the share of products that fail during operation, one can know the probability of failure-free operation of the product for a certain time. The article gives the indicator of the probability of failure-free operation of the product – a quantifiable estimated value, which is calculated as the ratio of the undisclosed number of products to their total number. The graph characterizing the changes in the probability of failure-free operation of the products is given. It is assumed that the probability of failure-free operation of articles varies exponentially. The construction of an economic model based on the category of fail-safe products is considered. This model is built taking into account the condition that the product guarantees issued by the manufacturer should be correlated with the number of possible failures of the products during this time. The conclusion is made that the product reliability category is the only category of risk assessment of the manufacturer on the market when issuing guarantees for its products. The assumption is made that the price of improving the reliability can be different and depends on many circumstances, but always increase of the product reliability is associated with an increase of its cost. The problem is solved, due to the fact that some of the products supplied by the manufacturer to the market will fail. Thus, it is necessary to know the proportion of failed products, which is determined by the quality of manufacture and reliability of the product put in the process of its design and production. The graph of the dependence of the total costs for the production and operation of innovative products on the probability of their trouble-free operation is given. The main advantages of the proposed economic model are formulated

    Ефективність використання препарату “Декасан” для профілактики післяопераційних ускладнень після великих операцій на кістках

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    Antiseptic drug “Decasan” due to its bactericidal, fungicidal, viricidal and sporicidal action is a highly effective medicine for the prevention of postoperative complications in an orthopedic and trauma hospital. Its use can significantly reduce the frequency of complications, and thus reduces the need for systemic antibiotics and slows down the develop-ment of antibiotic resistance.Антисептический препарат “Декасан”, благодаря бактерицидным, фунгицидным, вирулицидным и спороцидным свойствам, является высокоэффективным средством для профилактики послеоперационных осложнений в условиях ортопедо-травматологического стационара. Его применение позволяет достоверно сниить частоту осложнений, а следовательно, уменьшает необходимость назначения антибиотиков системного действия и позволяет замедлить темпы развития антибиотикорезистентностиАнтисептичний препарат “Декасан”, завдяки своїй бактерицидній, фунгіцидній, віруцидній і спороцидній дії є високоефективним засобом для профілактики післяопераційних ускладнень в умовах ортопедо-травматологічного стаціонару. Його застосування дозволяє достовірно знизити частоту ускладнень, а відтак зменшує необхідність призначення антибіотиків системної дії і дозволяє сповільнити темпи розвитку антибіотикорезистентності

    Quadrangular parameterization for reverse engineering

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    Abstract. The aim of Reverse Engineering is to convert an unstructured representation of a geometric object, emerging e.g. from laser scanners, into a natural, structured representation in the spirit of CAD models, which is suitable for numerical computations. Therefore we present a user-controlled, as isometric as possible parameterization technique which is able to prescribe geometric features of the input and produces high-quality quadmeshes with low distortion. Starting with a coarse, user-prescribed layout this is achieved by using affine functions for the transition between non-orthogonal quadrangular charts of a global parameterization. The shape of each chart is optimized non-linearly for isometry of the underlying parameterization to produce meshes with low edge-length distortion. To provide full control over the meshing alignment the user can additionally tag an arbitrary subset of the layout edges which are guaranteed to be represented by enforcing them to lie on iso-lines of the parameterization but still allowing the global parameterization to relax in the direction of the iso-lines. Key words: reverse engineering, quadrangular remeshing, global parameterization

    Variational normal meshes

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